Starter et Boosters

Page officielle des règles (en Anglais) : cliquer ici.

Dernière mise à jour : le 29 décembre 2006


01 - Mon Calamari Star Defender Viscount
1ère apparition : Livre U.E. (Univers Etendu) Vecteur Prime (Nouvel Ordre Jedi # 01)

02 - Mon Calamari Cruiser Home One
1ère apparition :
Episode VI

03 - Mon Calamari MC80
1ère apparition :
Episode VI


04 - Rebel Assault Frigate
1ère apparition :
Livre U.E. : "l'Heritier de l'Empire".

05 - Republic Assault Ship
1ère apparition : U.E. dans le jeu vidéo "Jetfighter"
puis Episode II.

06 - Venator-Class Star Destroyer
1ère apparition :
Livre U.E. "Guérisseuse Jedi"
puis Episode III.


07 - Millennium Falcon
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.

08 - Outrider
1ère apparition : 
U.E. dans Shadows Of The Empire (Les Ombres de l'Empire)
puis Episode IV (Special Edition uniquement).

09 - Rebel Cruiser
1ère apparition :
Episode V.


10 - Rebel Transport
1ère apparition :
Episode V.

11 - Republic Cruiser
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans le jeu vidéo "Knights Of The Old Républic".

12 - Tantive IV
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.


13 - Wild Karrde
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans le livre "l'Heritier de l'Empire".

14 - A-wing Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode VI.

15 - A-wing Starfighter Ace
(Extension ludique S.B. du Modèle de Base).


16 - Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Interceptor
1ère apparition :
Episode III.

17 - ARC-170 Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode III.

18 - B-wing Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode VI.


19 - Jedi Starfighter
(Modèle Delta-7 Interceptor)

1ère apparition :
U.E. dans le jeu vidéo "Jedi Jetfighter"
puis Episode II.

20 - Luke Skywalker's X-wing
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.

21 - Naboo Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode I (& Episode VI sur version DVD uniquement).


22 - Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor
1ère apparition :
Episode III.

23 - Rogue Squadron X-wing
1ère apparition :
U.E. Rogue Squadron.

24 - SoroSuub Patrol Fighter
(Modèle Cutlass 9 Patrol Fighter)
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans le jeu video "Jetfighter".


25 - Utapaun P-38 Starfighter
(Modèle Porax-38 Starfighter)
1ère apparition :
Episode III.

26 - V-wing Starfighter
(Modèle Alpha-3 Nimbus-Class V-Wing Starfighter)
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans la Nouvelle "Labyrinth of Evil"
puis Episode II.

27 - X-wing Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.


28 - X-wing Starfighter Ace
(Extension ludique S.B. du Modèle de Base).

29 - Y-wing Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.

30 - Y-wing Starfighter Ace
(Extension ludique S.B. du Modèle de Base).


31 - Super Star Destroyer Executor
1ère apparition :
Episode V.

32 - Banking Clan Frigate
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans le Comic "Obsession"
puis Episode III.

33 - Commerce Guild Destroyer
1ère apparition :
U.E dans le jeu  vidéo "Républic Commando"
puis Episode III.


34 - Imperial Interdictor Cruiser
(Modèle Immobilizer 418 Cruiser)
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans les ouvrages de la Trilogie de Thrawn.

35 - Imperial Star Destroyer
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.

36 - Invisible Hand
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans la nouvelle "Labyrinth of Evil"
puis Episode III.


37 - Trade Federation Battleship
1ère apparition :
Episode I.

38 - Trade Federation Droid Control Ship
(Modèle Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control Ship)
1ère apparition :
Episode I.

39 - Imperial Shuttle
1ère apparition :
Episode VI
puis Episode V (Special Edition uniquement).


40 - Palpatine's Shuttle
(Modèle Theta-Class T-2c Shuttle)
1ère apparition :
Episode III

41 - Sith Infiltrator
1ère apparition :
Episode I.

42 - Slave I (Boba Fett)
1ère apparition :
Episode V.


43 - Slave I (Jango Fett)
1ère apparition :
Episode II.

44 - Virago
1ère apparition :
U.E. - Shadows Of The Empire (Les Ombres de l'Empire).

45 - Asajj Ventress's Starfighter
1ère apparition :
U.E. - Comic puis Série Clone Wars.


46 - CloakShape Fighter
1ère apparition :
U.E. - Comics.

47 - Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.

48 - Droid Tri-Fighter
1ère apparition : U.E. dans "Jedi Trial"
Episode III.


49 - General Grievous's Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode III.

50 - Geonosian Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode II.

51 - Geonosian Starfighter Ace
(Extension ludique S.B. du Modèle de Base).


52 - Scarab Droid Fighter
1ère apparition :
U.E. dans le jeu vidéo "Starfighter".

53 - Techno Union Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode III.

54 - TIE Bomber
1ère apparition :
Episode V.


55 - TIE Fighter
1ère apparition :
Episode IV.

56 - TIE Fighter Ace
(Extension ludique S.B. du Modèle de Base).

57 - TIE Interceptor
1ère apparition :
Episode VI.


58 - TIE Interceptor Ace
(Extension ludique S.B. du Modèle de Base).

59 - Vulture Droid Starfighter
1ère apparition :
Episode I.

60 - Vulture Droid Starfighter Advanced
(Extension ludique S.B. du Modèle de Base).




Quelques Figurines avec leurs caractéristiques



Mon Calamari Star Defender Viscount
Faction: Light Side

Faction: Light Side
Cost: 150
Class: 1

Hull: 10/9
Defense: 18 Front, 14 Side, 11 Rear
Weapons: Turbolasers Attack +5, Damage 4; Ion Cannon Attack +5, Damage 3 (+1 Damage against full-strength ships); Barrage Attack +8, Damage 4 (broadside, each side); Frontal Battery Attack +2, Damage 3 (front spine only)
Point-Defense: +3
Abilities: Unique, Fighter Launch 3, DR 1 (reduce damage dealt to this ship by 1), Tractor Beams (enemy nonfighters of equal or smaller class must stop when they move adjacent to this ship)
Command Counter: Class 1 and Class 1–4

Hull: 9
Defense: 14 Front, 10 Side, 7 Rear
Weapons: Turbolasers Attack +5, Damage 4; Ion Cannon Attack +3, Damage 3 (+1 Damage against full-strength ships)
Point-Defense: +0
Abilities: Unique, Fighter Launch 3
Command Counter: Class 1 and Class 1–4

Super Star Destroyer Executor
Faction: Dark Side

Faction: Dark Side
Cost: 150
Class: 1

Hull: 10/10
Defense: 18 Front, 14 Side, 12 Rear
Weapons: Turbolasers Attack +5, Damage 4; Ion Cannon Attack +4, Damage 3 (+1 Damage against full-strength ships); Barrage Attack +8, Damage 4 (broadside, each side); Frontal Battery Attack +2, Damage 3 (front spine only)
Point-Defense: +3
Abilities: Unique, Fighter Launch 2, DR 1, Tractor Beams (enemy nonfighters of equal or smaller class must stop when they move adjacent to this ship)
Command Counter: Class 1 and Class 1–4

Hull: 10
Defense: 14 Front, 10 Side, 8 Rear
Weapons: Turbolasers Attack +5, Damage 4; Ion Cannon Attack +4, Damage 3 (+1 Damage against full-strength ships)
Point-Defense: +0
Abilities: Unique, Fighter Launch 2
Command Counter: Class 1 and Class 1–4

Naboo Starfighter
Faction: Light Side

Faction: Light Side
Cost: 4
Class: 4

Hull: 1/--
Defense: 14 all sides
Weapons: Laser Cannon Attack +1, Damage 1; Proton Torpedoes Attack +3, Damage 2
Point-Defense: None
Abilities: None
Command Counter: None

None. If damaged, the Naboo Starfighter is destroyed.

Luke Skywalker's X-wing
Faction: Light Side

Faction: Light Side
Cost: 9
Class: 4

Hull: 1/1
Defense: 18 all sides
Weapons: Laser Cannon Attack +5, Damage 2; Proton Torpedoes Attack +5, Damage 4 (usable only against nonfighters)
Abilities: Unique, Force Sense (adjacent enemy ships get –1 Defense)
Command Counter: 4

Hull: 1
Defense: 16 all sides
Weapons: Laser Cannon Attack +5, Damage 2; Proton Torpedoes Attack +5, Damage 4 (usable only against nonfighters)
Abilities: Unique, Force Sense (adjacent enemy ships get –1 Defense)
Command Counter: 4

A-wing Starfighter

 Faction: Light Side

Faction: Light Side
Cost: 5
Class: 4

Hull: 1/--
Defense: 16 all sides
Weapons: Blaster Cannon Attack +1, Damage 1; Concussion Missiles Attack +1, Damage 2 (+2 Attack against nonfighters)
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: Interceptor (not stopped by fighters without Interceptor)
Command Counter: None

None. Ship is destroyed.

Millennium Falcon

 Faction: Light Side

Faction: Light Side
Cost: 25
Class: 3

Hull: 3/2
Defense: 14 front, 10 sides, 8 rear
Weapons: Laser Cannon Attack +1 Attack, Damage 1; Laser Cannon Attack +1, Damage 1; Concussion Missiles Attack +1, Damage 2 (+2 Attack against nonfighters)
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: Unique, Antifighter Targeting +7 (+7 Attack against fighters), Evasion (Reduce by 1 the damage dealt to this ship by a nonadjacent enemy)
Command Counter: None

Hull: 2
Defense: 12 front, 8 sides, 6 rear
Weapons: Laser Cannon Attack +1, Damage 1; Laser Cannon Attack +1, Damage 1
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: Unique, Antifighter Targeting +7 (+7 Attack against fighters), Evasion (Reduce by 1 the damage dealt to this ship by a nonadjacent enemy)
Command Counter: None

Trade Federation Battleship

 Faction: Dark Side

Faction: Dark Side
Cost: 50
Class: 2

Hull: 7/6
Defense: 15 front, 15 sides, 13 rear
Weapons: Turbolasers Attack +4, Damage 3; Laser Cannon Attack +2, Damage 1
Point-Defense: +1
Abilities: Fighter Launch 2
Command Counter: None

Hull: 6
Defense: 12 front, 12 sides, 10 rear
Weapons: Turbolasers Attack +4, Damage 3; Laser Cannon Attack +2, Damage 1
Point-Defense: +0
Abilities: Fighter Launch 2
Command Counter: None

Droid Tri-Fighter

 Faction: Dark Side

Faction: Dark Side
Cost: 4
Class: 4

Hull: 1/--
Defense: 14 all sides
Weapons: Laser Cannon Attack +3, Damage 1; Concussion Missiles Attack +1, Damage 2 (+2 Attack against nonfighters)
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: Buzz Droids (targets hit by this ship's Concussion Missiles get –1 Defense for the remainder of the round)
Command Counter: None

None. Ship is destroyed.

Imperial Shuttle

 Faction: Dark Side

Faction: Dark Side
Cost: 18
Class: 3

Hull: 3/2
Defense: 14 front, 10 sides, 8 rear
Weapons: Blaster Cannon: Attack +2, Damage 1
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: Antifighter Targeting +4 (+4 Attack against fighters)
Command Counter: 3

Hull: 2
Defense: 12 front, 8 sides, 6 rear
Weapons: Blaster Cannon: Attack +2, Damage 1
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: Antifighter Targeting +4 (+4 Attack against fighters)
Command Counter: 3

The Invisible Hand

 Faction: Dark Side

Faction: Dark Side
Cost: 51
Class: 2

Hull: 5/4
Defense: 15 front, 13 sides, 10 rear
Weapons: Turbolasers: Attack +5, Damage 3; Laser Cannon: Attack +4, Damage 2; Proton Barrage: Attack +6, Damage 4 (broadside, each side, usable only against nonfighters)
Point-Defense: +2
Abilities: Unique, Fighter Launch 3
Command Counter: 2

Hull: 4
Defense: 12 front, 10 sides, 7 rear
Weapons: Turbolasers: Attack +5, Damage 3
Point-Defense: +0
Abilities: Unique, Fighter Launch 3
Command Counter: 2

Techno Union Starfighter
 Faction: Dark Side

Faction: Dark Side
Cost: 2
Class: 4

Hull: 1/--
Defense: 14 all sides
Weapons: Laser Cannon: Attack +1, Damage 1
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: None
Command Counter: None

None. Ship is destroyed.

Utapaun P-38 Starfighter
 Faction: Light Side

Faction: Light Side
Cost: 3
Class: 4

Hull: 1/--
Defense: 14 all sides
Weapons: Laser Cannon: Attack +2, Damage 1
Point-Defense: n/a
Abilities: Jammer +2 (+2 Attack against droid fighters)
Command Counter: None

None. Ship is destroyed.


Slave I







Imperial Shuttle, Tie Interceptor, Millenium Falcon, Imperial Star Destroyer








Un Grand Merci à DURGE pour ses photos présentées ci-dessous :







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