;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// Background Scrolling Demo by Christian Bogey // ;// Friday, April 30, 2004 // ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// processor 6502 include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Define Variables - ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- Colour = $80 Colour_Value = 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Start of code here - ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- SEG CODE ORG $F000 ; Start Adress Start ; Standard init code SEI ; Clear Interrups. The 6507 doesn't use interrupts but ; the program can run on a 7800 (6502) which use it. ; Prevent from interferences too : interrupt capabilities ; are included in the 6507 but the pins aren't linked. CLD LDX #$FF TXS LDA #0 Clear_Mem STA 0,X DEX BNE Clear_Mem ; Clear mem countdown from $FF to $01 ; >>>>>>>>> VBLANK Set to 0 Later LDA #Colour_Value STA Colour New_Frame ; Start of Vertical Sync LDA #2 STA VSYNC ; Turn VSYNC On ; Count 3 Scanlines STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC LDA #0 ; // 2 cycles STA VSYNC ; Turn VSYNC Off // 3 cycles ;>>>>>>>>>>>>> Start of Vertival Blank <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Count 37 Scanlines LDA #43 ; // 2 cycles STA TIM64T ; // 4 cycles ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Free space for code starts here ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Free space for code ends here Wait_VBLANK_End LDA INTIM ; // 4 cycles BPL Wait_VBLANK_End ; // 3 cycles STA WSYNC ; // 3 cycles Total Amount = 21 cycles ; 2812-21 = 2791; 2791/64 = 43.60 LDA #0 STA VBLANK ; Enable TIA Output ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End of Vertival Blank <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KERNAL starts here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; 192 scanlines of picture LDX Colour ; Start colour = 0 LDY #192 Loop1 STX COLUBK INX STA WSYNC DEY BNE Loop1 LDX #0 STX COLUBK INC Colour ; Scroll Colours ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KERNAL ends here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;////////////// End Of Display //////////////////////////////////////// LDA #%00000010 ; Disable VIA Output STA VBLANK ; 30 Scanlines Overscan LDY #29 Loop2 STA WSYNC DEY BNE Loop2 STA WSYNC ; 29+1 = 30 ; Build New Frame JMP New_Frame ORG $FFFA .word Start ; NMI - Not used by the 2600 but exists on a 7800 .word Start ; RESET .word Start ; IRQ - Not used by the 2600 but exists on a 7800 END